Families October 2016

Koloff Family

This year was a first for me as I ventured into the world of Mini Sessions and it was so hard and so fun all at the same time! Full transparency here – Even though triple checked all my equipment before leaving home to head to Columbus, I somehow managed to leave my sister in law’s home without my camera batteries — all of them!!!! So here I am leisurely scouting my location when I realize that I don’t have my batteries, and they are 30 minutes away – I have a minor freakout and then get into problem solving mode. It ended up being faster and easier to grab partially charged batteries from Dodd Camera in Polaris then heading back to the house to grab mine, so with a minor delay in my start time and an elimination of my buffer times between sessions, I was still able to get all six of my sessions completed in my original time frame!! So yep, that happened, a major hand to head mistake. Thankfully all six of my families were so sweet and grace filled – THANK YOU!

I had so much fun with each of my families and I can not wait to start sharing their sessions with you all!

I have had the pleasure of getting to know the Koloffs through my in-laws and my husband, over the past few years. They are super adorable and melt your heart sweet. And bonus that mom and dad sure do know how to be extra goofy to get some sweet smiles out of their little!

Thank you Koloff Family for coming out, I had so much fun with you all! ENJOY!

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